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  4. Workshop: Saturday 9 March, Photopolymer Etching 10.30am-4pm at Rye Creative Centre

Workshop: Saturday 9 March, Photopolymer Etching 10.30am-4pm at Rye Creative Centre

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Photopolymer etching one day workshop, suitable for absolute beginners through to experienced printmakers.

There’s plenty of parking spaces at Rye Creative Centre and it’s a 5-10 minute walk from Rye train station.

We’ll meet in the kitchen for coffee, go upstairs to make plates in the morning in my studio, break for lunch (bring a packed lunch) and move downstairs to the print room to start printing in the afternoon.

There’s space for 5 students in each workshop. Ink and sundries are included the price, however plates are an additional cost.
Smaller plates suitable for beginners A5 £7.56 or A4 £13.14
Larger plates suitable for printmakers with experience of intaglio printmaking A3 £23.00, A2 £46.00, 50x60cms £48.85

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